According to netmarketshare, Windows still owns about 87% of the market versus about 9% for Mac OS. Although Windows will likely stay the predominant leader of the pack, Mac OS continues to grow year over year, both in consumer and commercial markets. Likewise, malware for Windows is also by far the most common, but malware for Mac OS is gaining popularity.
A few weeks ago, a sample came across that was interesting – a Java dropper that had support for both Windows and Mac OS. Depending on the operating system, the dropper would decrypt one of the two encrypted pieces of malware stored as a resource and run it. Cross platform malware, using languages such as Java or Golang, is relatively uncommon, but continues to gain popularity as the consumer and commercial markets diversify between Windows and Mac.
Java Dropper
Filename: Statement SKBMT 09818.jar
MD5: 3f471e4079fe67cbc77f5705975d26fd
SHA256: 151d3313216b97f76fec2c0450d26de34aeb0c6817365fe3484a532b4443ed4a
This Java Dropper was received via a phishing email attachment. Zipdump provided a preview of the contents of the JAR file:

The preview from zipdump details the contents inside the JAR file, namely:
- 2 Class files
- 3 Resources
The MANIFEST.MF file provided the main class and starting point for the JAR file, OBSrz.class.

JAR files/Java Class files can be analyzed using a Java Decompiler, such as JD Project, Procyon and CFR.
Once decompiled using CFR, OBSrz is straightforward to read as there is no obfuscation hampering analysis.

First, the dropper checks for the operating system via the GetOS function to determine which encrypted resource to decrypt.

Next, the dropper gets the filename based on the operating system identified from GetOS.

Finally, once the OS has been determined and the correct filename has been chosen, the dropper writes the file to disk and executes it (if Mac OS, it also changes the permissions to RWX first). Once the process is running, it will finally overwrite the file with a .ico file and display it.
Resource Decryption
The three resources are encrypted using AES. The decryption function is quite simple. It takes the first 16 bytes of a SHA1 hashed string as the key and decrypts using AES-128 (ECB). A quick Python script can be used to decrypt the resources. Once decrypted, the following files become evident:
- NVFFY: MS Windows icon resource – 1 icon, 32×32, 32 bits/pixel
- fI4sWHk: PE32 executable (GUI) Intel 80386 Mono/.Net assembly, for MS Windows
- kIbwf02ld: Mach-O 64-bit executable x86_64
Snake Keylogger
The malware decrypted and executed if the dropper is run on a Windows machine is Snake Keylogger (aka 404 Keylogger), a subscription based .NET keylogger with many capabilities. The infostealer can steal sensitive information, log keyboard strokes, take screenshots and extract information from the system clipboard.
The Snake sample analyzed in this post was packed to avoid detection by EDR and AV products. The packer starts by decoding a .NET resource using ColorTranslator.ToWin32
into a DLL and loading it with System.Reflection.Assembly Load

and Load Assembly in Array
System.Reflection.Assembly Load
The decoded DLL is packed with something Hatching calls the “CustAttr .NET packer.” The DLL has a number of different decoding routines, which ultimately decode another another DLL (hreWg xR太太D.dll), which is then loaded.

hreWg xR太太D.dll, similar to the previous DLL, performs a number of decoding routines to decode the packed code inside of it. This time, rather than using System.Reflection.Assembly Load
to load the next unpacked executable, it opts for a process injection technique called Process Hollowing. It uses the following API calls to inject/execute the final payload:
- CreateProcess
- UnmapViewOfSection
- VirtualAlloc
- ReadProcessMemory
- WriteProcessMemory
- VirtualProtect
- GetThreadContext
- SetThreadContext
- ResumeThread

Due to an error in dnSpy which caused variables not to show , the injected executable was dumped via PE-sieve.

The dumped executable is named 0DFFENDR.exe. When opened in dnSpy, it is obvious that this executable is heavily obfuscated. de4dot identified the following obfuscators:
- ConfuserEx / Beds Protector
- Babel .NET

With the 0DFFENDR.exe being heavily obfuscated, it can be easier to clean up the obfuscation by first executing the original executable, then using Megadumper to dump out the process that was injected by hreWg xR太太D.dll. Once 0DFFENDR.exe is dumped, de4dot will clean up the malware significantly, making the malware family apparent.

As reported by HP’s Threat Research Team, Snake sometimes copies itself to the start-up folder as part of the unpacking process. The sample analyzed in this post did not do so, but did make a registry entry to run on startup.

Snake comes fully featured with a number of infostealing modules supporting a wide variety of applications (Browsers, Email Clients, Chat Applications, etc) including:
- 360_China
- 360_English
- 7Star
- Amigo
- Avast
- BlackHawk
- Blisk
- Brave
- Cent
- Chedot
- Chrome
- Chrome_Canary
- Chromium
- Citrio
- CocCoc
- Comodo
- CoolNovo
- Coowon
- Cyberfox
- Discord
- Elements
- Epic
- Falkon
- FileZilla
- Firefox
- Foxmail
- Ghost
- IceCat
- IceDragon
- IPSurf
- Iridium
- Iron
- Kinzaa
- Kometa
- Liebao
- Microsoft
- Nichrome
- Opera
- orbitum
- Outlook
- PaleMoon
- Pidgin
- PostBox
- SalamWeb
- SeaMonkey
- Sleipnir
- Slim
- Slimjet
- Sputnik
- Superbird
- TheWiFi_Orginal
- Thunderbird
- Torch
- UC
- Uran
- Vivaldi
- WaterFox
- WindowsProductKey_Orginal
- Xpom
- xVast
- Yandex
XLoader (Mac Variant)
According to Checkpoint Research, Formbook malware has been around for 5 years already. In 2020, XLoader was developed as a successor of Formbook, sharing codebase and capabilities but also supporting Mac. XLoader is an infostealer that harvests credentials from various web browsers and applications, collects screenshots, logs keystrokes and can download and execute files.
Filename: kIbwf02ld
MD5: 997af06dda7a3c6d1be2f8cac866c78c
SHA1: fb83d869f476e390277aab16b05aa7f3adc0e841
SHA256: 46adfe4740a126455c1a022e835de74f7e3cf59246ca66aa4e878bf52e11645d
The XLoader Mach-O, similar to the Windows version, is stripped and obfuscates its data; running strings returns no results.
Static Analysis
Sentinel One has three blog posts detailing analysis tips and tricks for Mach-O binaries. These static analysis methods were used to analyze XLoader and get a basic idea of the intents and capabilities of the malware.
First, nm -m
was used to display Mach-O segment and section names in alphabetical order. Unfortunately, this returns little information as the binary is stripped and functions are encrypted, then resolved with dlsym().

Next, otool
was used to extract both libs and methods from XLoader. This information can be extremely useful as it can identify great places to set breakpoints for debugging. Unfortunately, the XLoader binary once again provides little context.

The final piece of static analysis is extracting stack strings. This can be done a variety of ways, using tool such as Floss, manually extracting with otool, etc.

Finally, using a tool that extracts hidden strings, even more information can be extracted, which provides more hints at the capabilities of the malware.

Based on the output of our stack/hidden string extraction, it is clear that XLoader is focused on stealing Chrome and Firefox passwords, contents from the clipboard, keystrokes (usernames and passwords from other applications), etc.
Dynamic Analysis
Executing the sample in a sandbox reveals the hidden app’s Info.plist as well as initial network communications. Unfortunately the dynamic analysis was performed after infrastructure was taken down, so there was not very much additional information uncovered.

JAR Resource Unpacker/Decryptor (Auto Extract both the encrypted exe and Mach-O binary)
rule Snake_Keylogger {
author = "muzi"
date = "2021-08-20"
description = "Detects Snake Keylogger (unpacked)"
hashes = "96a6df07b7d331cd6fb9f97e7d3f2162e56f03b7f2b7cdad58193ac1d778e025"
$s1 = "TheSMTPEmail" ascii wide nocase
$s2 = "TheSMTPPSWD" ascii wide nocase
$s3 = "TheSMTPServer" ascii wide nocase
$s4 = "TheSMTPReciver" ascii wide nocase
$s5 = "TheFTPUsername" ascii wide nocase
$s6 = "TheFTPPSWD" ascii wide nocase
$s7 = "TheTelegramToken" ascii wide nocase
$s8 = "TheTelegramID" ascii wide nocase
$s9 = "loccle" ascii wide nocase
$s10 = "get_KPPlogS" ascii wide nocase
$s11 = "get_Scrlogtimerrr" ascii wide nocase
$s12 = "UploadsKeyboardHere" ascii wide nocase
$s13 = "get_ProHfutimer" ascii wide nocase
$s14 = "Chrome_Killer" ascii wide nocase
$s15 = "PWUploader" ascii wide nocase
$s16 = "TelSender" ascii wide nocase
$s17 = "RamSizePC" ascii wide nocase
$s18 = "ClipboardSender" ascii wide nocase
$s19 = "ScreenshotSender" ascii wide nocase
$s20 = "StartKeylogger" ascii wide nocase
$s21 = "TheStoragePWSenderTimer" ascii wide nocase
$s22 = "TheStoragePWSender" ascii wide nocase
$s23 = "TheHardDiskSpace2" ascii wide nocase
$s24 = "registryValueKind_0" ascii wide nocase
$s25 = "KeyLoggerEventArgsEventHandler" ascii wide nocase
$s26 = "decryptOutlookPassword" ascii wide nocase
$s27 = "TheWiFisOutput" ascii wide nocase
$s28 = "wifipassword_single" ascii wide nocase
$s29 = "WindowsProductKey_Orginal" ascii wide nocase
$s30 = "TheWiFi_Orginal" ascii wide nocase
$s31 = "OiCuntJollyGoodDayYeHavin" ascii wide nocase
$s32 = "de4fuckyou" ascii wide nocase
uint16be(0) == 0x4D5A and
8 of ($s*)
rule CustAttr_Packer {
author = "muzi"
date = "2021-08-20"
description = "Detects CustAttr/CutsAttr, a common .NET packer/crypter."
$s1 = "mscoree.dll" ascii wide nocase
$x1 = "CutsAttr" ascii wide nocase
$x2 = "SelectorX" ascii wide nocase
$x3 = "CustAttr" ascii wide nocase
uint16be(0) == 0x4D5A and
$s1 and
1 of ($x*)
rule XLoader_MacOS {
author = "muzi"
date = "2021-08-20"
description = "Detects XLoader for macOS"
100001bf8 48 8b 93 MOV RDX ,qword ptr [RBX + 0x8b8 ] lib
b8 08 00
100001bff 48 8d b3 LEA RSI ,[RBX + 0x9d0 ] target
d0 09 00
100001c06 b9 02 00 MOV ECX ,0x2 cfg_buffer_id
00 00
100001c0b 41 b8 1a MOV R8D ,0x1a func_num
00 00 00
100001c11 48 89 df MOV RDI ,RBX xl
100001c14 e8 57 f3 CALL ab_dlsym_get_func pthread_create
ff ff
100001c19 84 c0 TEST AL ,AL
100001c1b 0f 84 64 JZ LAB_100001d85
01 00 00
100001c21 48 8b 93 MOV RDX ,qword ptr [RBX + 0x8b8 ] lib
b8 08 00
100001c28 48 8d b3 LEA RSI ,[RBX + 0x918 ] target
18 09 00
100001c2f b9 02 00 MOV ECX ,0x2 cfg_buf_id
00 00
100001c34 45 31 c0 XOR R8D ,R8D func_num
100001c37 48 89 df MOV RDI ,RBX xl
100001c3a e8 31 f3 CALL ab_dlsym_get_func exit
ff ff
$dlsym_resolve_thread_create = {
(48|49|4c|4d) (8b|8d) ?? ?? ?? 00 00 [0-16] // MOV RDX, qword ptr [R
BX + 0xb8]
(48|49|4c|4d) 8d ?? ?? ?? 00 00 [0-16] // LEA RSI, [RBX + 0x9d0]
(B8|B9|BA|BB|BD|BE|BF) 02 00 00 00 [0-16] // MOV ECX, 0x2
(40|41|42|43|44|45|46|47) ?? 1a 00 00 00 [0-16] // MOV R8D, 0x1a
(48|49|4c|4d) 8? ?? [0-16] // MOV RDI, RBX
(E8|FF) ?? ?? ?? ?? // Call func
$dlsym_resolve_exit = {
(48|49|4c|4d) (8b|8d) ?? ?? ?? 00 00 [0-16] // MOV RDX, qword ptr [RBX + 0xb8]
(48|49|4c|4d) 8d ?? ?? ?? 00 00 [0-16] // LEA RSI, [RBX + 0x918
(B8|B9|BA|BB|BD|BE|BF) 02 00 00 00 [0-32] // MOV ECX, 0x2
// XOR R8D, R8D (Could be xor, could be mov, etc.)
(48|49|4c|4d) 8? ?? [0-16] // MOV RDI, RBX
(E8|FF) ?? ?? ?? ?? // Call func
uint32be(0) == 0xCFFAEDFE and all of ($dlsym_*)